Rehearsing "The Forged Coupon", adapted from the novel by Leo Tolstoy.
Armando Rotondi is an academic, journalist, writer, and theatre practitioner from Italy, Associate Professor in Performance Theory and Story-Telling and Leader of the MA Acting at the IAB - Institute of the Arts Barcelona (validated by Liverpool John Moores University).

As a practitioner, Armando is a dramaturg, a published narrative writer, staged/published playwright, a director, and a performance/theatre maker. He worked with prominent artists such as Andy Arnold, Esteve Soler, Jasmin Vardimon, Guy Bar-Amotz, Andrew McKinnon, Grigore Gonța. He is a member of Lacuna Lab, a Berlin-based collective of artists interested at the intersection between arts, science and technology. Currently, he is interested in digital/online performance, micro-theatre, and transmedia and alternative storytelling.

After a BA at the University of Naples “Federico II” and an MA at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, he achieved his PhD at the University of Strathclyde in 2012 and 3 University professorship habilitations: in 2018 the University Professorship Habilitation ("II Fascia") in "Perfoming Arts:Theatre, Film, Music and Audiovisual"; in 2020 the University Professorship Habilitation ("II Fascia") in "Comparative Literature"; in the same year, in 2018 the University Full Professorship Habilitation ("Professore ordinario di I Fascia") in "Perfoming Arts:Theatre, Film, Music and Audiovisual". Additionally, Armando worked as a Lecturer at universities in UK (Strathclyde), Italy (Naples “Federico II”, Naples “L’Orientale”, Verona), Poland (Torun), Romania (ICR and Bucharest).
With an interest in the fields of Theatre and Performing Arts, Comparative Drama and Literature, Translation, Film, and Cultural Studies, Armando is author of several academic publications including 10 books, almost 40 book chapters and articles; more than 40 papers at international conferences (UK, USA, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Turkey, Romania, India, Czech Republic, Portugal, France). He is a founding member of INIT – International Network of Italian Theatre, a member of the European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance, and Director of “Mise en Abyme. International Journal of Comparative Literature and the Arts”. Armando is also editor for “Theatre and Adaptation” at “The Theatre Times” (New York). Recently he has been co-convenor of the section dedicated to Shermin Langhoff and Gorky Theatre (Berlin) for the European Journal of Theatre and Performance and Project Manager for the IAB, with Valentina Temussi, of the Creative Europe "Make a Move" project on art incubators for independent and non-institutionalised theatre in Europe.
In 2023 he was an invited artist with "R.U.R." at the Prague Biennale and, in the same year, was a member of jury at the Istropolitana Internationa Project Festival in Bratislava.

"To Leave and Return. Always", directed by Valentina Temussi.

Valeria Impagliazzo in "Andromac(hi)a". Picture by Giulia Lauro.


Masks created by Guy-Bar Amotz for "R.U.R.", co-directed by Guy Bar-Amotz and Armando Rotondi.

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